Appreciate the luxury of reading... Don't take pride in it as others do not have such privilege in life. -- Jbb Lim
Saturday, August 23, 2014
The Giver Quartet Series 01 - The Giver by Lois Lowry
Now this is good writing for a Dystopian genre! A masterpiece of its kind. Truly this book's potential surpasses the today's way of plotting their storyline. I am actually intrigued by this book!
Basic fundamentals of our daily human liberty is being used as a plot to described what post-apocalyptic has confined or taken away from us in their system. Rules are set which made the world a so-called perfect one. Age is defined with a ceremonial gathering with a token of basic gifts across the community. Hence, by the age of 12, you are destined by the Elder's decision of the career role you're assigned for your entire life.
You can't interrupt, you can't steal, you can't be late. STOP!!! (If you break these rules, a public apology has to be done.)
What is more interesting, you have to apply for a spouse (chosen by the Elders), you have to apply for a child (chosen by the Elders), you have to apply to be released (decides by the Elders). Where do we draw the line to this?
Jonas here, is our lead guy. He has been assigned to have an honorary role within his community. However, truth of the past unveils and mysteries of this community is starting to surface. Now, that's not new but what can Jonas do?
Fantastically written with effortless world building which has captures my attention on how their system works. Their culture and customs are subtly pronounced and I was being crept into their system subconsciously.
I like how the book ends it with a sense of familiarity which doesn't seem like it's made up. It's raw, it's practical and it's how we take risks for our lives just for a better tomorrow. Bravo!
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Goodreads Review Link
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern
Booksplosion Read-Along for the month - August - #7
What have I just read? Wow!!! It was an unexpected fulfilling ending. I was drawn at the very first page as it has grabbed me both as a reader and a circus goer. I was really confuse when Erin uses "You" on the first page and I was kinda caught by surprise because I have never thought of becoming part of the curious crowd when "The circus arrives without warning". Yowzaaaa!!!
There are feels that I can't even fathom of putting it down into words. It's intriguing, stunning, thrilling, mysteriously dark, magical... to name a few. I did not expect such a plot profoundly thought off especially when there's this word "Circus" in the book title. I was wrong! Dead wrong. Descriptions are poetically written with so many new words that represents exactly what it really means in that situation, the scenarios or circumstances!
This book has written with numerous POVs. Now, I didn't find it confusing. However, it has reaches to a certain level of notching it up by including a back and forth timeline with these POVs without confusion! Now that is excellent writing!!!
What I really love is how dreamy and magical it all stands out. Yes, I know there are many books with great magic but this has a different kind of magic which this book has to offer. I was so caught up with the premise when the magic starts. I was literally drawn into a world of illusions and dreams as what the book has intended it to be.
Truth unfolds, it ends with a slight yearning of wanting to know more about the future of certain characters but it has to end it the way this book was meant to end. With that conclusion, I have realized that I was brought into a whole new dimension of "The Night Circus". Bravo!
Ratings: 5 out of 5 stars
Goodreads Review Link
What have I just read? Wow!!! It was an unexpected fulfilling ending. I was drawn at the very first page as it has grabbed me both as a reader and a circus goer. I was really confuse when Erin uses "You" on the first page and I was kinda caught by surprise because I have never thought of becoming part of the curious crowd when "The circus arrives without warning". Yowzaaaa!!!
There are feels that I can't even fathom of putting it down into words. It's intriguing, stunning, thrilling, mysteriously dark, magical... to name a few. I did not expect such a plot profoundly thought off especially when there's this word "Circus" in the book title. I was wrong! Dead wrong. Descriptions are poetically written with so many new words that represents exactly what it really means in that situation, the scenarios or circumstances!
This book has written with numerous POVs. Now, I didn't find it confusing. However, it has reaches to a certain level of notching it up by including a back and forth timeline with these POVs without confusion! Now that is excellent writing!!!
What I really love is how dreamy and magical it all stands out. Yes, I know there are many books with great magic but this has a different kind of magic which this book has to offer. I was so caught up with the premise when the magic starts. I was literally drawn into a world of illusions and dreams as what the book has intended it to be.
Truth unfolds, it ends with a slight yearning of wanting to know more about the future of certain characters but it has to end it the way this book was meant to end. With that conclusion, I have realized that I was brought into a whole new dimension of "The Night Circus". Bravo!
Ratings: 5 out of 5 stars
Goodreads Review Link
Monday, August 11, 2014
Bro Don't Like That La Bro 02: Back To School by Ernest Ng
Well, well, well... I didn't expect the second book to be published much sooner than I thought! Of course, I couldn't resist although please be prepared as the cover already said "Origins: Back to school". So, it's like history class with comics.
I love how nostalgic it rekindles me while I was reading this book. I can't guarantee whether this bunch are from the 80s, but daaayum... it has brought me back to the hay days of truancy, making friends, consuming weird snacks, traditional games, games that were from our creative minds, and do we really care what's illegal? Spot on!
With this quote, I think this guy can be my best friend:
"I just like to promote sleep a lot. Sleep is good. Whoever tells you otherwise is not your friend." -- Now that's a fantastic quote!!!
If you have followed the author's (Ernest Ng) blog, he came up with this topic by popular demand from his fan base on how the Bros actually met each other. I like to highlight that this book has tone down it's humour aspects as to compare with his first. There is a reason.
Be mindful, the author is introducing how each and every individual came to know each other. It is a gradual process on character building, world building...etc. If you guys read Fantasy books, it has a larger scale than this, and he did a fine job in introducing us to them (not to mention, via comic strips).
(One might say,"Ahhh... This is how they came about la..." or "So, this is how the education system works in Malaysia one la...") Read it with that mindset, I can assure you that you will have a great time knowing how the Bros became who they are today.
So, to conclude, I'm expecting a 3rd might be out soon based on my amateur analysis on how the author is publishing his books (I might be wrong):

Lastly, pick it up! It's still a fun read. Support la wei...
Ratings: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Thursday, August 7, 2014
Freaking out moments #12 - Ernest Ng
I was shocked by this author's simple action. He literally just garnered hundreds of viewership into my book review blog! Holy cow... I wasn't expecting that at all (Come on, get real, book blogging isn't a thing here). Still, I want to thank you, Ernest Ng! (I should be using Bro in this context... nah)
For those people outside the Asian region, Ng is pronounced as "ung". It's like the word "sung" but without the "s". I know most would literally spelled out N-G instead of pronouncing it.
I was equally humbled when he thinks that my review was his first review. *shakes head* It can't be!! I am just an amateur reviewer. Seriously, I think he needs a good solid review on his books/works. Come on guys!!! He needs all the support he can get. Give this guy some encouragement... He's done loads of free stuff via his blog for us already!
Whilst I was having lunch and I saw this in my mailbox, I nearly flipped out from my chair. He is such an amazing person, should have taken his autograph and photo during the recent bookfest. Haiya! Wasted! Anyway, all the best Bro!
For those people outside the Asian region, Ng is pronounced as "ung". It's like the word "sung" but without the "s". I know most would literally spelled out N-G instead of pronouncing it.
I was equally humbled when he thinks that my review was his first review. *shakes head* It can't be!! I am just an amateur reviewer. Seriously, I think he needs a good solid review on his books/works. Come on guys!!! He needs all the support he can get. Give this guy some encouragement... He's done loads of free stuff via his blog for us already!
Whilst I was having lunch and I saw this in my mailbox, I nearly flipped out from my chair. He is such an amazing person, should have taken his autograph and photo during the recent bookfest. Haiya! Wasted! Anyway, all the best Bro!
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Bro Don't Like That La Bro 01: Here Comes the Bros by Ernest Ng
Alright, I have to give my credit to the book author (Ernest Ng). He's got it!!! He's really really funny!!! I was seriously laughing out LOUD with tears running down my face, even so, I have to stop reading it by giving myself a pause. The thought of thinking back on the comic strips scenarios, in addition with the very well drawn character's expressions, literally caught me off guard by laughing out heartily.
To be fair to most readers, I might be wrong, I would think that Malaysians or maybe Singaporeans are able to relate to this book fairly well... because many of the abbreviations/slang used are not common to many other apart from these 2 countries. Then again, the author did explain and translate it with English on why these events take place. And for that, I have to applaud him for doing so by understanding his readers well. Also, compliments to him for he has a strong command in English. Do not underestimate what this book has to give, especially to those who really reads what the author was trying to convey aside from just the comic strips.
The things they do. He called them the 5 Bros. I called them the 5 monkeys (I have my reasons...LOL!!!). Subconsciously, one might think that living with people like them makes the world a better and brighter place but in actual fact it can be a real pain (which has been a reminder by the author himself). However, without them, there will be no laughter, there will be no publication of this book! And that can't be good either especially for readers like us! Hence, annoyance aside, one is able to witnessed that they have brought so much joy among themselves as best of friends.
Are they real? I can very well assure you that they are not fictional! They do have an eventful lives and a bright future ahead of them aside from the mere fame from this aspects of their indecent exposure.
Recommendations? I would definitely recommend it to anyone who really needs a good laugh! Certainly would! Buy it! Read it! Enjoy it! I will surely give my support to our very own local artist cum author for more of his Bros Shenanigans. Bravo to a successful start.
Note: I'm having a dying obsession with the cliffhanger at the end of it... FUDGE!!! Second book is out guys, check it out too!
Ratings: 5 out of 5 stars
Goodreads Review Link
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Freaking out moments #11 - Cinda Williams Chima
I can't believe that Author Cinda Williams Chima retweeted my tweet. So freaking out right now!!! I'm feeling so humbled.
Here is her Goodreads page too.
Here is her Goodreads page too.
Freaking out moments #10 - Bookfest Consolation Prize
It's one of the largest BookFest in the country!!! And I got myself a consolation prize to enter with free gifts too. It's really rare for me to win stuff over the internet and it feels so good!!!
Here are the Premiums which was given to us, which I thought they should put consolation gifts instead. I was kinda confused while they said 2x Premiums.
What was given:
1) The BookFest Catalogue
2) 2 beautiful Recycled Coasters with the BookFest tattoo &
3) A measuring tape
Here are the Premiums which was given to us, which I thought they should put consolation gifts instead. I was kinda confused while they said 2x Premiums.
What was given:
1) The BookFest Catalogue
2) 2 beautiful Recycled Coasters with the BookFest tattoo &
3) A measuring tape
Monday, August 4, 2014
The Heir Chronicles 01 - The Warrior Heir by Cinda Williams Chima
Booksplosion Read-Along for the month - July - #6
What can I say? It's a start of an urban fantasy series. Moreover, it's targeted to the YA audience which I'm all for it. Many said that the world building is slow but I think it is a fairly well written introduction which doesn't really drag on at all. I liked it!
So far, I've tried other Epic/High fantasy books which has a larger scale in it's detailed world development which includes introduction on characters, types of races, political system, economy situation, magic system... etc. which you are able to gage how well an author is able to articulate by not boring their readers. And this book does not bore and it delivers!
The plot was very well thought off which keeps the pacing going. Interestingly, some of the chapters kinda gets into a quick fast pace read when some of the adrenaline action scene takes place. The magic wasn't overly done, which seems a like a gentle whispers during spells or charms are being cast. I like it even more!
It's a great start of the series and I can't wait to dive into the next one. The last book in the series will be out by October 2014. I might just marathon these 4 books until it reaches the 5th during the release.
If anyone is keen on starting a fantasy genre, I would say that this is a great kick-start to venture into the fantasy world. Moreover, it's an urban fantasy settings, so, it would be much easier to relate.
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Goodreads Review Links
What can I say? It's a start of an urban fantasy series. Moreover, it's targeted to the YA audience which I'm all for it. Many said that the world building is slow but I think it is a fairly well written introduction which doesn't really drag on at all. I liked it!
So far, I've tried other Epic/High fantasy books which has a larger scale in it's detailed world development which includes introduction on characters, types of races, political system, economy situation, magic system... etc. which you are able to gage how well an author is able to articulate by not boring their readers. And this book does not bore and it delivers!
The plot was very well thought off which keeps the pacing going. Interestingly, some of the chapters kinda gets into a quick fast pace read when some of the adrenaline action scene takes place. The magic wasn't overly done, which seems a like a gentle whispers during spells or charms are being cast. I like it even more!
It's a great start of the series and I can't wait to dive into the next one. The last book in the series will be out by October 2014. I might just marathon these 4 books until it reaches the 5th during the release.
If anyone is keen on starting a fantasy genre, I would say that this is a great kick-start to venture into the fantasy world. Moreover, it's an urban fantasy settings, so, it would be much easier to relate.
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Goodreads Review Links
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