Monday, February 9, 2015

Harry Potter Series 01 - Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by J.K. Rowling

Finally! I have finished the first book from the ever so famous Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Back when I was a student, I wasn't even able to touch any of these books at all. I have my fair share of history of being restraint from reading these series. 

Sarcastically, I would love to thank the one who speaks against reading this series over at the pulpit of fear that the idea of witchcraft would seep into our daily lives. Verdict after reading the first book, I don't even have a hint of curiosity on witchcraft at all. Practically speaking, who would even want to venture into something so dark?

I love how we are being introduced with the world of Muggles (humans) and then to the world of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The transition from one world to another was fascinatingly amazing with so much awe and jaw-dropping scenery. The magnitude of how Hogwarts were being described is mesmerizing.

I, for one, would love to witness the majestic scale of The Great Hall especially during their Christmas season. It is really to die for. What makes it even greater is how all those wonderful delicacies were being displayed and described. 

Characters are fairly well written and I can never get enough with all the conversations between Ron, Hermione & Harry! British hilarious. Always love their come backs. It's always a lot of insults with posh and styles.

Plot wise was intriguing enough to grip you from the very start even for a middle-grade. Clues and suspense are well planted into their conversations. Suspicion on the main idea is even greater as the book progresses.

Hint: Dumbledore has given his opinion on death which would be greater and the definition of the truth will be ugly and painful to be borne for the rest of ones life.

As of now, I cannot wait to read about their upcoming adventures until the day comes with full explanations on how it all started.

Ratings: 4.7 out of 5 stars

Goodreads Review Link

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